Margarites Demitsas (1830–1902) und die Anfänge der griechischen Erforschung der Inschriftenkunde Makedoniens in ihrem Verhältnis zur makedonischen Frage
Margarites Demitsas, ancient Macedonia, epigraphy, history of the research, modern GreeceAbstract
Margarites Demitsas was one of the pioneers on the field of Ancient Macedonian epigraphy in the 19th century and the editor of its first corpus containing all hitherto known inscriptions of the region. His life and scholarly activities have been fundamentally influenced by contemporary political events and his active participation in the Greek national struggle. By discussing the case of Demitsas this paper seeks to shed light on how the Ancient Macedonian inscriptions were during the 19th century utilized to benefit the Greek national interests in the region.
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