‘Visit Greece and Live your Myth’. The Use of Classical Antiquity by the Greek National Tourism Organization
Classical Antiquity, Brand Advertising, Greek National Tourist Organization (GNTO), Posters, CampaignsAbstract
This paper examines the uses of Classical Antiquity in modern advertising through a revision of the posters and campaigns established by the Greek National Tourist Organization in the 20th and 21st centuries. The study shows how Greek tourism takes recourse to the notions of continuity and being the ‘cradle of Western civilization’ in order to promote the country as a destination brand. It also shows that Classical Antiquity is the key feature differentiating Greece from its competitors in the Mediterranean region. Images, texts and videos focus on ancient values such as hospitality, authenticity, and anthropocentrism, together with mythical, historical and artistic attributes, thus conveying a message of endurance and exceptionalism. As a result, uses of the past in Greek tourism prove to be a mirror of the current challenges to Greek national identity and Greece’s relationship to other countries.References
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