The different faces of the Lernaean Hydra in contemporary pop culture: from cinema to video games




Videogames, Cinema, Hydra, Herakles, Pop culture


The Lernaean Hydra is one of the most famous ancient mon-sters. As the opponent in second of the labours of Herakles, it has known a great success through reception since Antiquity. Through the centuries, the monster has known many evolutions: for example, it has grown horns and legs, some-times it even breathes fire! In this article, we will see how this mythological figure manifests itself in recent pop culture, es-pecially in the movies and video games, as well as why and how it has evolved.

Author Biography

Fabien Bièvre-Perrin, Gerda Henkel Stiftung/Aix-Marseille Université - LabexMed, USR 3155 IRAA

Post-doctorant LabexMed


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